Big rigs traverse Pennsylvania highways on their way to destinations across the nation every day. Given their size and the weight of their loads, a truck crash in any capacity can have a devastating outcome. Understanding which factors increase your risk of crashing...
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A delayed cancer diagnosis can result in higher mortality rates
On Behalf of John A. Caputo & Associates, P.C. | Dec 7, 2022 | Medical Malpractice
As a patient, you put your health and your life in the hands of your doctors. If doctors do not treat you seriously or practice due diligence in diagnosing you, they can miss serious diagnoses like cancer. As medical treatment advances, many cancer patients have a...
What are the 4 components of a medical malpractice claim?
On Behalf of John A. Caputo & Associates, P.C. | Dec 2, 2022 | Medical Malpractice
Every state, including Pennsylvania, has its own laws regarding medical malpractice. But the basics of what constitutes medical negligence and what is acceptable care from a doctor or hospital are virtually the same across the country. Proving a case of malpractice in...
Can negligence lead to malpractice?
On Behalf of John A. Caputo & Associates, P.C. | Nov 29, 2022 | Medical Malpractice
Now more than ever, hospitals suffer from overcrowding and understaffing. This combined issue makes it difficult for both staff and patients alike. Unfortunately, understaffing is a known cause of negligence. In some cases, this negligence can lead to malpractice....
Can car crashes cause crush injuries?
On Behalf of John A. Caputo & Associates, P.C. | Oct 31, 2022 | Car Accidents
Crush injuries happen in any situation where a person's body could end up pinned, run over or otherwise trapped by larger or heavier objects. Thus, while most people associate these injuries with industrial jobs or work in construction, they can happen to anyone. This...
Check for these developmental milestones after a birth injury
On Behalf of John A. Caputo & Associates, P.C. | Oct 27, 2022 | Birth Injuries, Medical Malpractice
While rare, complications can arise during birth that may lead to injuries sustained by the child. Some injuries are unavoidable, but others might arise due to negligence or poor decision-making by the professionals delivering the baby. When a birth injury occurs, it...
Where are an 18-wheeler’s blind spots?
On Behalf of John A. Caputo & Associates, P.C. | Oct 21, 2022 | Truck Accidents
Semi-truck accidents are not exactly rare in the U.S. In fact, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, there were roughly 500,000 reportable 18-wheeler accidents on U.S. roadways in 2019 alone. Staying out of the truck's blind spots is one of the...
Drivers did not have their CDL in 20% of fatal trucking accidents
On Behalf of John A. Caputo & Associates, P.C. | Oct 5, 2022 | Truck Accidents
When you approach an 18-wheeler on the highway, you have to trust that the driver knows how to operate the truck and is driving carefully. But there may be no way to know for sure until after the driver gets you into a terrible truck accident that gives you serious...
Fatal crashes in Pennsylvania rose 9% in 2021
On Behalf of John A. Caputo & Associates, P.C. | Sep 30, 2022 | Wrongful Death
Recent deadly crash data reveals that driving in Pennsylvania is becoming more dangerous. Statistics show that the number of fatal crashes within state lines rose sharply between 2020 and 2021 and the trend is also visible nationally. According to Lehigh Valley Live,...
Teen passengers increase fatal crash risks for teenage drivers
On Behalf of John A. Caputo & Associates, P.C. | Sep 20, 2022 | Wrongful Death
Many older motorists across Pennsylvania feel uneasy sharing the road with teenage drivers, and with good reason. Teenagers lack the driving experience of older motorists, and this makes them less likely to be able to react appropriately in the event of a crash. Teen...