What to know about Pennsylvania’s new medical malpractice law
If you have a rare or severe condition, the doctor or facilities you might need to save your life may not be down the street from your home or even in Pittsburgh or Allegheny County. You might have to travel to another part of the state to get the necessary treatment....
Failure to diagnose placenta previa in pregnant mothers
When a mother is pregnant with her baby, the placenta attaches to the uterine wall to provide oxygen and food to the baby and remove waste. The placenta is an organ inside the uterus. In a normal pregnancy, the placenta naturally attaches itself to the uterus's top or...
Who can file a wrongful death suit?
A personal injury claim can help offset medical bills and lost wages if a loved one sustained injuries in a collision. However, what if the injuries prove too catastrophic and cause that person's death? A wrongful death suit goes through the court similarly to a...
3 contributing factors to trucking accidents
Accidents involving large trucks, such as tractor-trailers, can cause severe injuries and fatalities to drivers and passengers in smaller vehicles. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, nearly 5,000 large truck accidents claimed the lives of...
When do motor vehicle accident deaths warrant an autopsy?
In the wake of an unusual death, it is typical for a coroner to perform or order an autopsy. An autopsy is a medical procedure with the intention of determining the cause of death and other details surrounding a case. In the event of a motor vehicle accident, an...
When to replace a child’s car seat after an accident
Children have a higher risk of injury in an accident than their adult counterparts. When parents do not use child car seats, booster seats or appropriate seat belts for children, their risk increases drastically. While the car seat may protect your child during a...
What you can do to prevent anesthesia problems
There is always some risk when you undergo surgery, even in a modern medical environment where skilled surgeons are present. One such risk comes from the irresponsible use of anesthesia. The purpose of anesthetic drugs is to reduce your sense of pain and overall...
What is microsleeping and why is it risky?
Drivers understand that drowsy driving puts them at significant risk for injury. But what about microsleeping? This problem goes hand-in-hand with drowsy driving, and yet fewer people know about it. Why microsleeping is a problem WebMD discusses microsleeping as a...
What are some complications of fetal distress?
Fetal distress, or non-reassuring fetal status, occurs during pregnancy or labor when oxygen levels in the uterus fall below normal. Signs of fetal distress include early labor pains, decreased movement in the womb and breathing troubles. Without detection and...
Data sheds light on large truck crash risks
Any type of traffic collision has the potential to result in serious injuries, but if you become involved in a large truck accident you are especially likely to face devastating consequences. On top of the sheer size of trucks, other factors can increase the severity...