When a mother is pregnant with her baby, the placenta attaches to the uterine wall to provide oxygen and food to the baby and remove waste. The placenta is an organ inside the uterus. In a normal pregnancy, the placenta naturally attaches itself to the uterus's top or...
needed after an Injury
Birth Injury
HIE is one of the leading causes of infant mortality
While every stage of pregnancy carries risk, mothers and babies are especially vulnerable during labor and delivery. One of the most common causes of infant mortality or severe impairment in the U.S. is hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. HIE is a potentially fatal type...
How long do you have to file a birth injury claim?
For many parents, it is unfathomable to think about filing a legal claim for the birth of their children. Yet, for parents with children with severe and costly disabilities — disabilities that the mother’s doctor and her medical team could have prevented — a medical...
What causes birth injuries in babies?
Sometimes the birthing process can cause physical injuries to babies. Typically, this type of damage is due to the natural forces of delivery creating physical pressure on babies' heads through the birth canal. The National Healthcare Quality Report states that about...
What is a prenatal injury?
Prenatal injuries are problems you or your fetus might have during pregnancy before your baby is born. The term combines the prefix "pre", for "before", with the word "natal", for "of or pertaining to birth". You do everything you can to have a healthy pregnancy....
Do you know the signs of a birth injury?
When your child is born, one of the first things you'll do is hold them and get to see them for the first time. During that moment, the last thing you want to think about doing is searching for injuries, but the truth is that you should. Birth injuries related to...
Is it safe to have your baby in a birth center?
Many expectant mothers prefer the idea of having their baby at a birth center (sometimes called birthing centers). The number of these centers and the number of people using them has increased in the past decade. In addition to having a more comfortable atmosphere...
What is vacuum extraction?
Childbirth is a natural process, but it does not always proceed as expected. If your labor does not progress normally during vaginal childbirth, your doctor may recommend vacuum extraction to speed up the process. Also called vacuum-assisted delivery, vacuum...
How can birth injuries affect mothers?
Although it is commonly thought that birth injuries only happen to infants, mothers may also experience medical complications due to labor and delivery that leave you feeling hurt and alone. It is imperative you understand just what those complications may potentially...
What is “shoulder dystocia” and its complications?
Parents in Pittsburgh who are expecting a baby will undoubtedly be excited as they prepare for the birth. The last thing they want to think about is the possibility that something might go wrong and birth injuries could occur. However, it is an unfortunate reality...